Sunday, December 30, 2007

Family Reunion

4 years ago we were very sad to say goodbye to our cousins Patty, Steve, Lissy & Nelly when they moved to Florida. Phil grew up with about 500 cousins within a 1-block radius, so it's been hard to have some people move away. Also, we used to spend Christmas Day at their house and haven't felt the same about the holidays since they left.

The girls came up to visit and everyone got together today for a post-Christmas / pre-New Years extravaganza. We learned...

  • Adrienne is majoring in nursing. Following in her big cuz's footsteps?
  • Lorraine can go to the bathroom without getting stuck inside (last time we were at Karen's house she had "an incident")
  • Ry can be sick all day and not eat anything but still manage to get down a huge slice of cake
  • You need to make sure your Will & Testament are up to date when crossing Grant & the Boulevard
  • And most importantly...the Brogans are thinking about moving back in 2 years! It's a Christmas miracle!

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