Friday, July 23, 2010


About 3 years ago, we embarked on a wild and wacky adventure of buying a 110ish year old house. It’s a beautiful old home with the original woodwork and plenty of bedrooms for our growing (and growing…and growing…) family.

The pros: Charm, nostalgia, beauty! The cons: Home improvement projects are tricky and usually open up a big old can of 100 year worms.

About 8 weeks ago, we embarked on another adventure with a bathroom remodel project. We re-did everything from the big (removing the knob & tube wiring lurking behind the walls) to the small (replacing the tacky marble countertop).

After many weeks of showering at the neighbor’s house and hosing down the kids in the kitchen sink, the job is complete. Now if only we could sit back and enjoy the moment…next step is getting the nursery ready for the baby. At least he’ll have a nice new tub to welcome him home!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


It’s the little things that make you take a step back and realize your kids are growing up. Last night at the pool, Ry went down the slide for the first time. It shoots you out into the deep end so he’s been a little intimidated, but after he did it once he didn’t stop until the pool closed and they kicked us out. (It was also starting to get dark which is why the pictures are so awful – plus I kept missing him so all I have to offer you is a little splash in the pool. But trust me, it’s him.)

It’s interesting to watch his independence start to come alive – from taking the bus at camp to sitting in bed reading to himself – all of a sudden he doesn’t need us as much and I’m both sad and overjoyed at the same time.

This morning he said, “Why does Daddy always get to take out the trash? I wish I could do that instead of Daddy.” Just one of those times where the independence thing isn’t so bad – I’m sure Phil will be more than happy to add trash duty to Ry’s chore list!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Mom Annoying, Kid Cute

I have to apologize for my super-annoying and seemingly endless wails of "Wheeeeeeeere's Charlie?" and "Peekaboo!!" If it's humanly possible to tune me out, you may be able to enjoy little Cha discovering a new game.

It Ain't Just A River In Egypt

Daddy Day this week was spent at the Delaware Children's Museum. Browsing through the pictures made me wonder...what's life going to be like in a few weeks when we try to do all this with a newborn in tow?

When I posed this question to Phil he literally said, "Well we live in chaos now, so adding another baby won't really change that much." I took that as either (a) Wise words of encouragement or (b) Complete denial.

Here's to denial.

Speaking of's what happens when you cross paths with the Kerper boys. Poor kid just didn't know what he was walking into.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Joy Of Cocoa Krispies

Phil has been spending his days off in July volunteering at a camp for special needs kids. Ry got to go with him on Wednesday and hung with one of the bunks while Phil worked as the camp nurse.

Apparently they did rock climbing and zip lines – activities that are sure to wow any kid. Ry, however, was most impressed by the fact that he got to pick his own cereal flavor at breakfast. He literally got out of bed last night to come find me and tell me this incredible fact.

Looks like they also made superhero costumes out of tablecloths…it really does not take a whole lot to impress this kid.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Ry asked me to buy him a new placemat with all of the US Presidents. He recently informed me (per said placemat) that our shortest President was James Madison at 64 inches. Who knew!

On the way home from the store he was studying it intently, which led to this conversation:

Ry: Barack Obama looks different than the other men
Me: Why do you think he looks different?
Ry: Because he has the biggest smile out of all of them. Most of the others aren't smiling and they look like they're bored with being President.

He also talked me into the placemat with the US map and all of the state capitals. It seemed like such a good idea at the time - but now he keeps quizzing me and I'm failing miserably.

Let's face it, I have a college degree but I can't tell you the capital of New Hampshire. Caught.

Just Say No

Following in the prestigious footsteps of his forebrothers, Charlie has learned a new party trick…saying “no!”

I spent the morning setting him up with such leading questions as, “Is your bib the right size?” and “Will the new baby be born on your birthday?”

This kid is like a living Magic 8 Ball. I’ll post another video when he starts hitting us with “Signs Point To Yes” or “Reply Hazy, Try Again.”

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

It's Not Hard To Entertain These Two

Between the gibberish (Cole, not Charlie) and the couch cannonballs, it was the usual circus tonight at the Kerper Brothers Barnum & Bailey.

Monday, July 05, 2010

Happy 4th

We channeled the spirits of our Bloomsburgian days and went party hopping this weekend with 5 shindigs in 2 days. Unlike college, we remembered everything the next morning and didn't have anyone at the Student Union to cook us breakfast. Oh well.

I threw this picture in there to show that life comes full circle. We've been going to Bobby & Ro's 4th of July party forever (around 20 years for Phil, 13 for me). In the beginning, it was pure debauchery. Then everyone started to get married and have babies, and it calmed down a bit. Now the kids are older, the tiki bar is up, and we're the lone suckers with the kiddos.

Ry did, however, get a kick out of sitting at the bar and getting served Shirley Temples.

The next day at another party, Ry and I had this interesting exchange as he was finishing up his dinner:

Ry: Is a hot dog a healthy choice?
Me: Not really.
Ry: Well it's a good thing that I ate those strawberries with my hot dog, 'cause I'm trying to eat a balanced diet.

Shirley Temples and hot dogs seem balanced in my book. God Bless America!

It's Summertime, Summertime, Sum-Sum-Summertime

Today was one of those good old ol' summer days. Phil worked a 12 hour shift, which left me at home with my 5 kids - Ry, Cole, Charlie, and my 2 swollen ankles (the ankles count because I consider them to be as high-maintenance as children).

To combat the heat I turned on the sprinkler and let them go wild.

Always one to kick it up a notch, our neighbor busted out the Slip & Slide. Slapping one's self onto the hard ground (protected only by water and a sheet of plastic) looked pretty painful to me, but the kids were into it. We'll see how many bruises start popping up tomorrow morning.

In a rare showing of timidness, Mr. Adventurous was totally confused about the entire situation. He needed to be delicately escorted down the slip, only to hide out on the deck for the rest of the afternoon.

The day wrapped up with dinner & Flavor Ice on the porch (not necessarily in that order) and 3 kids snoozing soundly upstairs. Victory!

Friday, July 02, 2010

Oh Those Wildwood Days

Phil took the older 2 boys to the beach for a quick 3 day getaway. Based on the pictures, it looks like the trip included lots of pooltime, sand, boardwalk, rides, and ice cream (as evidenced by the first picture below).

It can definitely be considered a job well done when you get both kids to pass out at naptime. Three snores and a hip hip for Daddy days at the shore!