Saturday, September 27, 2008

Fun, Food, And A Monkey

Tonight there was a block party for our neighborhood...they closed off a few blocks and had a party in the street. There was a Moonbounce for the kids, kegs for the adults, a Bluegrass band, and (randomly) a guy with a baby monkey.

The monkey was a hit. The man sat on a chair cradling the little thing (which was wearing an infant diaper, for the record) and gave a speech about monkey ownership. Yes, they do bite. No, you can't touch it for health reasons. Yes, it costs a lot of money to buy one -- could range from $8,000-$12,000.

Honestly -- why does he have a monkey? It's a wild animal built with instincts to attack and kill things. I'll make sure to keep Sammie close at hand knowing that there's a jungle beast living so close.

He was, however, too cute!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't believe you tell us all this but don't post a pic!