This is one of those mornings that I arrive at work and take a deep breath and say...thank goodness I'm here.
Phil works 3 12-hour shifts a week. This is wonderful because it means that he's home with the boys 4 days out of the week. The downside of this is on the days he works, he leaves the house at 5:30 am and doesn't get home until 8:30 pm (because he works in Philly).
This means that Mom is on duty 24/7...essentially 2 full time jobs (at least that's how it feels :-). I know it sounds like I'm complaining...really I'm not...I'm just venting. Mostly because of my morning:
- Wake up at 6:30 am and look at the clock. I usually wake up at 5:30. Must not have set the alarm correctly and now I'm guaranteed to have a bad hair day
- Lie in bed for a minute going through my closet in my head. Hear Cole stirring in my crib which means he's not making it to his usual 7 am wakeup call
- Throw on some clothes and brush my teeth. Hair in ponytail
- Get Cole up and go into Ry's room. He opens his eyes and starts crying
- In the car on the way to school, Ry's granola bar breaks in half and this launches him into a total panic and is crying & screaming "Mommy fix it!!!!" Have to pull over and explain to him I cannot put the granola bar back together
- Pull into school. Get Ry out of the car and put him on the sidewalk. Apparently the Granola Bar Incident of 2008 was still on his mind and he throws himself on the ground for tantrum (#1)
- It rained this morning so said tantrum occured inside a puddle
- When I went to put Ry on the sidewalk, I dropped the bag with their daycare stuff so there are bottles and baby food rolling around the ground. One went under a car and I'm on my hands & knees fishing it out (remember it rained...I'm wearing cute jeans...they're now soaked)
- Get Cole out of car. Ry refuses to stand up and walk so I'm forced to do a time-out in the parking lot. This begins a tantrum (#2)
- Finally get him inside and throw him in a chair in the lobby for another time-out. I bring Cole to his classroom and leave Ry there. Parents dropping off their kids are giving him the look of (a) I'm so glad that's not my kid and (b) What mother would just leave a hysterical child to cry alone in the daycare lobby?!
- Finally scoop him up and bring to classroom. His pants are soaked (please refer back to tantrum #1) so I have to replace them. Apparently I haven't updated his extra clothes in awhile and need to squeeze him into pants that are 2 sizes too small. This doesn't fly and he launches into tantrum (#3)
- Get him into a chair for breakfast. Teacher puts a muffin and peaches in front of him. The little bugger looks up at me and says "Ry Ry's happy now."
Need I say more?