Ry is growing up entirely too quickly. And for this reason, we have to watch our words these days. We don't curse or say anything rude...we're just realizing that he's soaking in everything we say. Some recent Ry conversations which made me laugh:
1. The other day he said to me "Mommy I want some juice please!" I was talking to someone so I didn't answer him right away. He asked me a few more times. Finally I stopped talking and said "I heard your request Ry, you'd like some juice". He replied, "
so what are we waiting for?!"
2. I was doing something with Cole and Ry came rolling in. He looked at me and said "
Mommy, can you do me a favor?" I said sure...but he just stood there and stared at me. I don't think he fully understands the favor concept but thought it would be fun to ask.
3. I woke Ry up first one morning and asked me to help wake up Cole. He went to turn on the light and said "
watch your eyes Coley Cole", which is what I say to Ry when I first go into his room in the morning.
4. Phil took Ry to the doctor last week. He asked him a bunch of questions to see how he's developing. Just like his dad...Ry enjoys giving people unexpected answers:
Doc: What's something that flies in the sky?
Ry: A teranadon (for you novices that's a flying dinosaur)
Doc: What animal is green?
Ry: Reptiles
Doc: What is in the sky at night?
Ry: The moon. The moon controls the waves