Saturday mornings we get out of the house as early as possible. We usually start at the Grower's Market in town and spend some time checking out the booty that the Amish cart out from Lancaster. I don't ever see any horse and buggies, but the people are dressed in the traditional garb so I feel like I'm supporting the peeps.
Next stop is always the Soft Pretzel store. We take our bounty and sit by a fountain at the Courthouse to eat and enjoy.
I tell you all this because this past weekend there were many happenings at the Courthouse that were way cool to a 3 year old.
They closed off the street and were working on a construction project. All of the parents with 2-5 year old boys were lined up watching the dramatic events unfold. Good thing Ry was there, because he helped explain what was going on. "That's an excavator! There's a digger over there!"

They were also having a juggling class right next to all of the construction hullabaloo. We watched this guy for a little bit but then Ry got distracted by extreme wall jumping.
Clearly Cole was not as pumped up about the whole situation...I think within the next year he'll be just as syked to sit on a sidewalk and watch men shovel asphalt for an hour.