Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I love summer. The pool is open, it doesn't get dark until after 8 pm, there's always a friendly face outside to talk to, and there are about a thousand kids running around just looking for fun.

We ended up with some of the dudes gathered around the TV tonight. It's nice to see that the boys have peeps...as soon as Ry wakes up in the morning he runs over to his window and calls out for the neighbors to come over (even if they're not outside...)

Everyone was really tired but managed to keep their eyes propped open for Diego. Go Diego, go!

When You Are Engulfed In Flames

I'd like to officially declare that my favorite author is David Sedaris. His new book, When You Are Engulfed In Flames, just came out. It is so hysterical that I was reading it in bed last night and I couldn't even breathe because I was laughing so hard.

I tried to read parts to Phil, but I started to do this really weird cry-laugh that I do when I think something is beyond. You may remember this from when I was pregnant with Ry (or Cole...I can't remember anymore) and I used to randomly bust out with my weird and slightly insane cry-laugh.

His books are all short stories about his life -- they're quick reads and so incredibly funny. I'm trying to read really slowly because I'm already sad about it being over. Write faster David Sedaris!!!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days Of Summer

We started off our Saturday with some lazy time on the couch. This lasted all of 10 seconds and then the boys were off and running...

We celebrated Vincent's second birthday at the Little Treehouse in Chestnut Hill. As the older brother to 4-month old triplets, I think he was happy to have a little time and lovin' all to himself. The boys were covered in chocolate by the time we left, so I think we can officially declare it a success.

Uncle Eli, Aunt Katie, and Scarlett were up visiting from Hotlanta, so we were able to see them at the end of the day. It's fun to watch Eli being a responsible dad...oh the stories we can share with you when you're older, dear Scarlett.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Kids Say The Darndest Things

I've gotten quite a bit of backlash about my last post. I just found that picture on someone else's blog and thought it was funny...sorry for confusing everyone with my twisted humor!!!

So to make up for it, I'll leave you with some warm fuzzies. Ry had a friend over tonight, and over little cups of Jello they started talking about favorites. I had my computer on so I started asking them questions and writing down the answers.

What's your favorite TV show?
Owen: Spongebob and Diego
Ry: Thomas and Spongebob and Diego and Sesame Street

Where is your favorite place to go?
Ry: Wendy's
Owen: Wendy's

What's your favorite animal?
Ry: A jellyfish
Owen: A tiger (ends with a growl...grrr)

What's your most favorite thing to do in the whole world?
Owen: Play with toys
Ry: Play football at the football stadium

What's your favorite food to eat?
Owen: Hot dogs and hamburgers
Ry: Cheeseburgers and a sandwich and crackers and a butterfly (snickety laugh at the end and then "Owen -- be silly with me!" This is where I start to lose them…)

Ry: Sometimes you can get hurt when you're eating dinner -- you can fall off your chair
Owen: I fell off my chair at home -- 2 times. 2 TIMES!!!!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Sunday, July 20, 2008

Comedy Central

Lunch today was a real hoot for Ry...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

He Wants More...More...More

Time to bust out the baby book...we have another first. Cole has officially said his first word. He's been saying "Mama" and "Dada" for awhile, but I don't count them because they're not fun. Okay....drumroll....the first word is.................


Granted, it sounds like "Moo-ah" when he says it, but I know what he really means.

If you've seen pictures of him lately, you'll understand that his newly discovered love of this word happens all day, every day. Eating a muffin ("Moo-ah"), drinking juice ("Moo-ah"), seeing a banana on the counter ("Moo-ah"). I'm working on adding "please" to the end, but I'm thinking that might be a bit much to ask of a 15 month old.

For inquiring minds who want to know, Ry's first word was "basketball." We would go for walks in our old neighborhood and he would point to every hoop, gasp, and say "basket-basket-basketball." For some reason it was always said just like that..."basket-basket-basketball!"

He still loves playing with words and was excited this morning to go to "sicka-sacka-school". Then he told me he's turning into a fish. It's so hard to keep up anymore...

Monday, July 14, 2008

Pictures From Jenn's Wedding

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Ice Cream

Don't mess with the Popsicle Posse...

Monday, July 07, 2008

Happy 4th

This 4th all of our neighbors celebrated with a Block Party. There was tons of food, plenty of drinks, and the rain held off until later in the night. The kids didn't really mind getting wet, and us grown-ups huddled around coolers of beer in the warmth of someone's carport.

Late into the night there were allegedly fireworks (and later police), but I slept (passed out) through the whole extravaganza.

I asked Ry what he thinks of when he sees our flag. He said "Respect...we have to respect the flag." Then he asked to look at pictures of soldiers on the computer.

Although random, it was also touching.

Proud to be an American...Happy 4th of July!!

Sunday, July 06, 2008

The Moose Takes On The Dub-C

We Are The Champions, My Friend

Last night was the Iron Hill Twilight Criterium. It's a professional bike race of 60 laps looping around town. A pack of us made our way to see the festivities...kids on bikes and adults on feet. As Rachel put it, we only had 1 injury (Ry's foot got caught in his pedal) and 1 breakdown (a chain came off her son's bike) before we even got there.

In between the amateur and professional criteriums, they have a race for kids. They go with their age groups and are cheered on by the huge crowd that comes to see the professionals.

Unfortunately, we didn't even think about meeting the kids at the end of the race. So as we're standing at the starting line, cheering them on proudly and watching them grow smaller in the distance, it all hit me at once and I started racing down the street like a maniac to catch them.

It went something like this:

Needless to say, even with the announcer laughing at all the parents running after their kids, we caught up at the end and they were very proud of themselves. Congratulations to Owen and Josh who were also part of Ry's intensely competitive heat.