Sunday, August 31, 2008
Back To The Future
We started trashing some of his things and he came across an envelope that said "Phil's 1991. Written & Signed December 31, 1991." It was sealed and then double-sealed with duct tape. Such a Phil thing to do!
So we cracked it open and he had written a page-long reflection on his year. Some interesting tidbits included picking his future career as a nurse, crushing on a girl, and commenting on his grandfather's failing health.
It was poignant, touching, funny, and SO Phil!!
I think I want to do something similar, and then put the letter away to be lost like his was. Who knows what I'll think of my 30-something reflections 17 years from now.
P.S. I cannot believe 1991 was 17 years ago!!!!!!!!!!
Move Over Dawson

There are so many ways to look at the below video.
(1) Although to some it will look like I kick his chair over at the end, I'd like to contend for the record that I was using my foot to try to rescue him from falling over.
(2) Phil had to abrubtly cut this short in order to save him from said fall...but have no fear, he was completely unphased by the situation.
(3) Isn't it too cute that he's so entertained by splashing his feet in the water? Oh, to be 1 again.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
The boys had a blast. Ry insisted on wearing his Bob The Builder construction hat and he took his truck driving very seriously.
The kids kept asking me to explain every button and knob on every truck...I kept mumbling incoherent responses like "I think that's the chain attachment" or "That's probably where the hose goes."
Guess I'll have to study up for next year!

Friday, August 22, 2008
Look What You Did To Mr. Bigglesworth!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Safety First
Today it was Dora The Explorer singing Dancing In The Streets. Our conversation went as follows:
Ry: What's this song called Mommy?
Mom: It's Dora singing Dancing In The Streets.
Ry: Oh. Dora shouldn't dance in the streets. It's too dangerous.
You go Ry.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Momma's Boy
Monday, August 18, 2008
Where's Cole?
This is classic Cole. A rainbow of emotion.
Kicks it off excited...starts to crack up...happiness ensues...sees something he wants...wants it bad...starting to get frustrated...must have it...L8R!
Michael Phelps Jr.
It took about 26 sessions at the Y, but we finally have a swimmer. Inspired by the Olympic Games, Ry had his last class tonight and made his momma proud.
The next step in our adventure is purchasing the skateboard I promised I would get him if he swam on his own. Stay tuned...that's sure to bring on some blog-worthy moments!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Cricket Thermometer
This leads me to my story. Last night we were getting ready for bed (windows open, of course). Listening to the crickets chirping, Phil hit me with a fun fact: "Did you know that you can tell the temperature outside by counting the number of cricket chirps in 15 seconds and then adding 37?"
It was the most random thing I ever heard in my life. I immediately turned on the Weather Channel for documentation and demanded that we test it out.
It worked! We tested it about 57 times and give or take a few degrees, he was dead on.
Phil's randomness strikes again!

Monday, August 04, 2008
Gotta Love The Moose
"Cole is such a little ball of energy! He just bounces from toy to toy and from friend to friend to friend all day long and never slows down! No wonder he takes such great naps! He had us laughing all morning!"
Keeping up with Cole is exhausting to say the least...but at least he makes people smile (after he runs them over!!)
Friday, August 01, 2008
Tales From The Zebra's Den

Past The POINT Of No Return
Right now he can speak the following words. I also included the way that he says them in case you're ever caught in a conversation with him and need help translating:
- More: Moo-ah
- Ball: Bu-all
- Mom: Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma (and so on and so forth)
- Dad: Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da (you get the point)
- Ry-Ry: Eye-eye
- Thank You: Aaah - Oooh
- No: No (see below for details)
So the point of all this is to tell you about Cole's bath last night. His new favorite hobby is to stand up in the tub, look at me with this intensely mischevious smile, and wait for me to tell him to sit down. After I do he laughs so hard that he falls onto his bottom, and this viscious circle continues for about 6 hours until I take him out.
Last night he stood up and gave me the look. In my attempt to look authoritative I pointed my finger at him and sternly said "sit down Cole." He pointed his little finger right back at me and said "No."
The shock! The horror! Is it really possible for a 1 year old to talk back to his mother? I tried not to laugh as I immediately pulled him out of the tub and gave him a lecture about the importance of respecting your elders. In the end I think he was sorry and he ended the conversation with a hearty Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma (I think this was his way of saying "I apologize and I love you.")
P.S. I just happen to have a picture with one variation of "the look":