We started off with breakfast at the Market Street Grill. Delish.
Next we headed out to Philly and spent a few hours at the Art Museum. It had been too long since we visited, and we somehow missed the Twombly exhibit. This was a good thing, because every time we go to this museum we sit in his room and get very confused. I am all about Modern and Contemporary Art, but honestly...his stuff is ridiculous.

We wandered around the museum and checked out the new Perelman Gallery. We ended the day working on our basement (I'm actually wearing a breathing mask on top of my head as I write this) and then picked up the boys.
I know all of this sounds very mundane, but when you're used to leaving the house armed with no less than 2 boys, juice cups, graham crackers, extra diapers, 47 trains, clean pants, wipes, and a ball -- walking around with just yourself and your husband is very nice!