Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Phil & Rebecca's Excellent Adventure

I'll start this post off by stating that I absolutely love and adore my children. When I'm not with them I miss them...and when they smile and laugh it warms my heart. That said, Phil and I both took the day off and the kids were in school. Freedom!!!!

We started off with breakfast at the Market Street Grill. Delish.

Next we headed out to Philly and spent a few hours at the Art Museum. It had been too long since we visited, and we somehow missed the Twombly exhibit. This was a good thing, because every time we go to this museum we sit in his room and get very confused. I am all about Modern and Contemporary Art, but honestly...his stuff is ridiculous.

We wandered around the museum and checked out the new Perelman Gallery. We ended the day working on our basement (I'm actually wearing a breathing mask on top of my head as I write this) and then picked up the boys.

I know all of this sounds very mundane, but when you're used to leaving the house armed with no less than 2 boys, juice cups, graham crackers, extra diapers, 47 trains, clean pants, wipes, and a ball -- walking around with just yourself and your husband is very nice!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Fun, Food, And A Monkey

Tonight there was a block party for our neighborhood...they closed off a few blocks and had a party in the street. There was a Moonbounce for the kids, kegs for the adults, a Bluegrass band, and (randomly) a guy with a baby monkey.

The monkey was a hit. The man sat on a chair cradling the little thing (which was wearing an infant diaper, for the record) and gave a speech about monkey ownership. Yes, they do bite. No, you can't touch it for health reasons. Yes, it costs a lot of money to buy one -- could range from $8,000-$12,000.

Honestly -- why does he have a monkey? It's a wild animal built with instincts to attack and kill things. I'll make sure to keep Sammie close at hand knowing that there's a jungle beast living so close.

He was, however, too cute!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

You're Tellin, I'm Listenin'

This morning Ry picked out his outfit and he looked like the definition of a rugged little boy. Holes in the jeans...hooded sweatshirt...shirt untucked...worn down shoes. I felt like he should have gone outside with his friends to make mud pies and dig for worms.

All morning he was doing exactly what I asked. He kept saying "Mommy...you're tellin' and I'm listenin'." I have no idea what inspired this case of obedience, but I'll take it!

Happy Birthday To Lucy

We totally caught Cole rockin' Blue Steel in the playhouse. "What is this...a center for ANTS????!?!?!?!?!"

Friday, September 12, 2008

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Trouble Brewing

Sit back and join us as we follow Cole on his never-ending path of mischief. First is an appetizer I like to call "Caught In The Act, I." This would entail shimmying himself up onto the couch, sitting in the dog bed, and reaching onto the table to delete the messages on the answering machine. If you've ever called and we never got back to you, now you understand why!

And here is the latest in the "Caught In The Act" photo series of 2008. The kids were innocently watching a cartoon and Cole decided to break up the party. Just follow the orange shirt...

Spiderman, Spiderman...Does Whatever A Spider Can

After the rain and winds died down last night we went out onto the deck to check out the yard. We noticed a new little friend...he must have hung tight during the storms.

Spins a web, any size...catches thieves just like flies. Look out! Here comes the Spiderman...

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Daddy Day