On the way out this morning I discovered a slug. This wasn't just any slug - it was basically the size of my car - and it had left behind a nice long trail of goo as he traveled along his way.
I called inside for the boys to come check it out and Ry was totally into it (Cole was eating animal crackers at the time and therefore distracted). I talked Ry into touching it - I like for them to explore and discover, but sometimes they need a little nudge.
He gave it a little pet and said, "Wow - it feels like melting ice cream!" Then the dreaded words, "Mommy, it's soooo cool! You should touch it too!"
I didn't want him to think there was anything wrong with touching a disgusting and oozing creature, so I reluctantly gave it a little tap. Seriously, it was so gross. A slimy, icky, grossness. But of course I played it off like it was the coolest and the whole ride to school Ry was talking about his new bud, Doug The Slug.
"I wonder if Doug found his Mom and Dad in the grass."
"Doug was leaving a lot of goo on the sidewalk - I can wash it off when I get home."
And my personal favorite, "Doug is my new best friend." I guess
Cole is out and the slug is in.
I didn't realize I was signing up for a lifetime of touching slimy bugs when I had 3 little boys…what will I stoop to next?!