Sunday, April 26, 2009
On The Road To The Sweetest Of Dreams
We found him the other day snuggled in for a nap...seems that the hood is a much more logical location to take a snooze than the gigantic mattress (in the first picture you'll note that he even went through the trouble of closing the lid after crawling inside).
Whatever floats your boat...hopefully he won't take such creative license when he learns how to drive a real car!
Happy Birthday To Cole
I found a picture from a year or so ago to compare with this weekend...he looks totally different and exactly the same. I feel like I'll always remember Cole as is he is right at this age: skinned knee, messed up hair, food all over his shirt...

He may not be the most pulled-together package, but the light he has behind his eyes keeps getting brighter and brighter. I keep saying that no matter what he does, he gives it 300%. This includes laughing, crying, hugging, tantrums, running, or helping...everything he does is with a huge amount of passion.
It will be interesting to see how he channels this passion later in life - but for now I'm just happy to be on the receiving end of his gigantic hugs and deep belly laughs.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Things I've Learned This Week
2. Getting a shot in your bum as a grown-up is surprisingly painful. Having an impressionable young nursing student assigned to putting on the band-aid does not help in the humiliation department
3. When driving home from getting a shot in your bum, it is dangerous to freak out when you see a spider crawling on the ceiling of the car (I am SO not exaggerating when I tell you it had fangs)
4. If you're into traditional medicine, do not see a chiropractor. If you're into not feeling like there is a pile of bricks sitting on your back, proceed to said chiropractor
5. It cannot be a bad thing when the first step in the directions for the cake you're baking tells you to melt 10 Milky Way bars with 2 sticks of butter. Yumtastic, happy almost birthday Coley!!!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Daddy Day
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
- 1/2 lb matzos
- 1/2 cup butter
- 1 cup brown sugar
- 8 ounces chocolate chips
- Line a cookie sheet with foil and lay matzo on pan
- Melt brown sugar with butter in saucepan; boil until mixture coats a spoon
- Brush matzo with brown sugar mixture
- Bake in 350 degree oven for 3-4 minutes (watch closely-it burns easily!!!) until it starts to bubble
- Cover with chocolate chips and put back in the oven until the chips start to melt
- Spread the chocolate to cover the matzo
- Freeze until hard, then break into pieces
- Option- sprinkle chopped nuts on top
Monday, April 13, 2009
Go Maya...It's Your Birthday
9 months later I have a new little neice. Debbie and Matt had their baby on Sunday 4/12 and named her Maya. Here she is pictured with her favorite Aunt (no offense Liz - she happened to whisper it when she was nestled in my arms and I overheard).
I am now the proud Aunt to 7 neices and nephews...the fact that the oldest is in college is making my head spin! Happy Birthday Maya - and sending an Aunt Becca (a.k.a. Bobo) shout out to Justin, Shaye, Logan, Lucy, Sarah, and George. Love you guys!!
Big Blue Was On The Move
Phil had to work the next day, which was also Easter. I celebrated with the boys at Grammy and Poppy's house over a feast of turkey, stuffing, and peanut butter sandwiches. While the turkey was cooking we went to the pond across the street to feed the geese.
I should add here that I have this irrational fear of geese attacking me and/or my children. Grammy was the brave one and warded off attack by throwing bread at the wild beasts while I ran for my life. It was a pretty low moment but thank goodness one of us was strong.
When we got back from the pond, it was time to join hands...
...celebrate family...
...and then a well-earned snuggle (a.k.a. sugar crash) on the couch with Leo and friends. Happy Easter to all!!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting
The best way to keep Cole him your wild ninja moves!
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
The Latest Cole Adventure (a.k.a. How We're Surviving The Twos Before He Even Turns Two)
Ry was a perfect little angel while I had my checkup, and he even let the nurse weigh him and take his height (on a side note he's 39 pounds - that kid is getting so big!!) After the appointment we found the rest of the crew - they looked a little frazzled and here's why.
As Phil put it, "He was standing right in front of me - then he just took off!" Where did he take off to you may ask? Well the hospital Board Of Directors was holding a meeting in a conference room. Imagine their surprise when the door was thrown open by a crazy 2 year old - he ran inside and proceeded to the far side of the room. Then cut to Phil jetting in and scooping him up, only to run back out while apologizing profusely and turning red in the face.
First 911, now this. Hold onto your hats, it's going to be a wild ride!!!
P.S. If anyone has a direct contact with Supernanny please call her and plead our case!!
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Breakin' The Law
This morning we were getting ready to start the day when the doorbell rang. We opened the door only to find a policeman standing on the front porch.
He told us that he had received a 911 call from our house. We have no idea how it happened...must have been one of the boys playing with a phone...we were so embarassed that we apologized about a zillion times and then fled into the house in shame.
New rule in the Kerper touching any phones!!!
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Yes, That's A Hair In Your Spaghetti
Recently he's taken a liking to assisting in the kitchen. I'll come home from work to find him sitting on the counter while Phil is cooking on the stove, and he's happily dumping the whole shaker of salt into the frying pan or pouring honey all over himself. Thanks for helping Cole!!
Tonight he decided to take control of the pasta making. The reason he has that weird Elvis curl on his forehead is because the inside of the colander was a little wet, hence his cool do and soaking shirt.
Is he 3 yet?
Wasn't I Just Driving A Red Sports Car?
It's been almost a week of hitting the road in "Big Blue" (as Ry named it), and although it's surreal I'm totally loving it! Now that we've upgraded to leather seats and a sunroof, there's no turning back. The kids are amazed by the doors that open and close on their own, and don't think I haven't flicked on that button to fire up the heated seats in the morning.
I enacted a strict no eating or drinking rule inside the van...of course the drinking one crumbled to pieces today after Cole screamed "juice" approximately 57 times on the first mile of our trip. In about a month there will be the familar crumbs of goldfish smashed into the mats, but for now I'm soaking it all in and convincing myself that the new car scent is a sign that we're living in the lap of luxury.
Yes, I look terribly uncool, but I think I'm over it. After all I'm a mom...and it's moms who drive these things...and I have 2 (soon to be 3) great kids to fill it with. Love you boys, love you Big Blue!!