Monday, January 18, 2010

Missing Blanks


When Cole was born, our dear friend Pat quilted him a blanket. You wouldn't think that Mr. Tough Guy would need a security blanket, but he loves this thing and calls it Blanks.

When he sees it he says, "Hi Blanks!" We have the below picture hanging in the Living Room, and Cole likes to lie on the couch and look at it saying, "There's my Blanks. Me and my Blanks." When he's falling asleep he rubs the satiny border with his thumb and pointer finger, and when he's tired and doesn't have it he'll just rub his fingers together pretending his blanket is there.

We try to limit him from taking Blanks out of the bedroom, but sometimes he gets a special treat. Today Phil let him take it on their walk into town. And somewhere between the 7-11 and our house...


Sigh. Wish us luck at bedtime tonight.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Laughing Through The Tears

This afternoon the boy's school had a Winter Gala. Although it sounds very grand, it was really just a little pretzel & juice party followed by each class singing a song.

These kids practiced for weeks. The stage was set...anticipation was high...and when the 2 year olds came out there was one little boy crying through the whole song. We found it to be hysterical, but one man in front of Phil literally said "I wonder who his parents are" and someone next to me said "That poor kid is ruining the other people's videos."

Chillax people, it's preschool.

As we were packing up to leave, Cole was belting out Frosty The Snowman and doing a little dance - he even went up to the stage and put on a solo performance. Just further proof that he chooses to live life on his own terms...

Ry's performance was much less dramatic (his class is at that great age of total compliance) but I figured it's blogworthy nonetheless:

I know this is just a taste of what we have to look forward to - we have many years ahead of us filled with concerts, games, and performances. Hopefully we'll lean more towards the laughter than the tears!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

You Heard It Here First

Tonight at dinner Ry (randomly) announced:

"I DO NOT like princesses. They're DISGUSTING and they're definitely NOT good for boys."

I've got news for you kid - you'll be singing a different tune in ten or so years. Until then, go on with your bad self.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

At Least He's Adaptable

I don't really remember what was going on when these pictures were taken, but so many questions come to mind...

Why is my baby sleeping on the TV Room floor? And what exactly did Ryan just do to bring on that cheshire grin?

Was it the above-mentioned antics that woke him up? More importantly - is Sammie practicing hypnotism while we're at work?

Just what is so funny? And how can you find humor in the midst of all this chaos?

A cup-pillow? Really?

Hang in there'll soon be able to defend yourself.

Just Another Manic Monday

Phil had the kids on the run yesterday...when it was time for bed Ry bypassed storytime and literally crawled into bed and started snoring. Success.

They started off at Boomers which apparently involves very steep inflatable slides and skeeball.

Cole really has a lot to learn about this be honest I'm surprised no one got hurt in the making of this video.

They headed over to the Y for a swim and wrapped it all up at Jimmy John's for a hot dog dinner feast. Such fun to be had while Mom was makin' the donuts. Happy Daddy Day to all!