Monday, January 31, 2011

6 Months

I have a very specific memory frozen in my brain.

My neighbor stopped in to check in on me after Dean was born. At the time I was sitting on a stool outside of the bathroom, trying to convince Cole that going to the bathroom on the potty was a good idea.

I was balancing the baby in my lap as I nursed him. Charlie was trying to pull himself up to a standing position by tugging on the back of my shirt. Ryan was screaming in the other room that he needed help with his Legos.

Needless to say, my neighbor turned around and immediately walked out of the house.

I wasn't sure that we would make it past those first few months, but we did it. I've never celebrated a 6 month birthday before, but I figured we earned this one!

Happy 6 months to you little Deanbo.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Working 9 To 5, What A Way To Make A Living

When I left for work this morning, Cole had a rare moment of clinginess (i.e. he stood at the door crying and screaming, “Mommy I want to go with you!!”). And in an even rarer moment of sympathy, I ran back inside to scoop him up and give him extra hugs. Sigh.

Luckily, I have this hanging up on my wall at work. It’s been there since “Ryan” wrote it over 5 years ago - I read it every morning and it sure came in handy today.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


It was 11 years ago that our little baby Shaye was born. When I took this picture I did a double-take...I just cannot believe how much she's grown and how quickly those 11 years went.

Nothing but the best for Miss Shaye...we shut down The Roxy for a private screening of Tangled. The boys actually sat through most of the movie (even Cha) thanks to an unlimited supply of chips and chocolate.

We went back to her house after the movie so the boys could tear open her presents and trash the joint. We tried for a group can see for yourself how well that turned out.

Happy birthday Shaye-bo! Love you, little bugger.

Monday, January 10, 2011

They're. Stir. Crazy. Get. Me. Out. Of. Here.

Is it Spring yet?

These boys have officially lost their minds. They're itching to run around - fortunately (or unfortunately, I'm not sure) our house is a big circle, so sometimes they just end up chasing each other around and around. And around.

Part of Stir Craziness 2011 involves Ry handing me the camera every night and asking me to take pictures of him. He could use some help as Art Director, but right now I'm just letting him do his thing.

So tonight they were playing Sheriff Woody and poor Charlie got caught in the crossfires. I didn't know whether to laugh (Ry and Cole) or cry (Cha) so I just kept snapping.

The countdown to Spring is on.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Spy Ry

Tonight I found Ry digging through the closet. I asked what he was doing and he told me he was "looking for some spy gear." He emerged with a cowboy hat, shades, and one of my old jackets.

After running several secret missions, he came to me in a soft whisper and stated the following:

Spy Rule Number 1: You have to be nice to the other spies.

Spy Rule Number 2: You have to be extremely quiet at all times.

Spy Rule Number 3: You have to dress in dark clothes so the people you're spying on think you're cool and don't suspect that anything is going on.

So now you know to keep an eye out for nice people who speak in hushed tones and wear dark clothes. Good tips, thanks Ry!

Sunday, January 02, 2011

The Latest On Our Littlest

Honestly, these kids love Deanbo. Sometimes they love him a little too much and we have to call off the dogs. ("Charlie, don't sit on top of your brother!" "Cole, stop licking the baby!" "Ryan, do not take Dean out of his crib and put him in your bed!")

Sometimes I think Dean isn't so sure about this place, but he's a good sport.