The good news: We had an incredible weekend visiting with
our friends in upstate NY. The bad news (for them): It was Hall Of Fame Induction weekend at Cooperstown (right near their house) so all hotels were sold out...which meant the Kerpers descended on their peaceful little home in full force. Sorry guys!! Love you!
We were somewhat looking forward to the 4-5 hour drive. We figured with everyone sleeping we'd actually be able to talk. We realized about 3 hours in that sleep was nowhere in sight and the car had an opposite effect on Charlie, who was singing and screaming for most of the ride.

The first night we piled everyone into strollers and wagons and walked down to watch the mighty
Oneonta Outlaws. We ate fast-melting popsicles and Ryan heckled the crowds by screaming that the Phillies rule. Gulp.

Saturday morning we kicked off the day blueberry picking. I think we ate more than we bought, but we still managed to pick enough to make 3 pies.

After the picking we went to Grandma Jeanne & Grandpa Paul's farm. The boys got to feed the sheep, make the pies, and go riding on the 4 x 4s...pretty cool stuff for the "city kids."

After quick naps we made a run to the local pool. The water was amazing and we were literally the only people there. Bonus!

The last thing on the agenda was a drive-in movie. It was the first time I'd been to one and it was pretty cool (despite the bees that attacked Jim and me). The boys had fun too lying in the grass, watching the movie and trying to pick out the constellations.

On the final day we packed up the car and left our poor friends to bask in the quiet of their destroyed house. Here's a picture of the twins before we left.

Thanks so much Aunt Mel, Uncle Jim & Graham! We had a ball and can't wait to do it again. Hope you didn't feel like this while we were visiting...xoxo.