Thursday, June 28, 2012

Watch Your Back Michael Phelps

Ry had his first swim meet on Saturday morning.  Holy Hannah, what an experience.

So there are around 250 kids on each team - that makes for 500 kids plus their parents all vying for the best spots by the pool and the best donuts at the snack bar.

The roster got posted and Ry was up for the 25 freestyle (Event 6) and the 25 backstroke (Event 28.  Yes, I said event was a long morning).

All was well until about Event 2.  Ry started shaking and was pretty clingy to me.  I asked what was wrong and he looked up at me with these dewy eyes and said, "Ohhh my gosh I.Am.So.Nervous."

Ry isn't one to express a lot of emotion, so I was both shocked and happy that he was able to communicate his feelings.  When he got up to the block he looked like he was going to either (a) Puke or (b) Bust out crying.

There are so many kids that they have the swimmers for the upcoming heat join hands as they walk to the starting blocks - this way they don't get sucked into the crazy crowds.

But he got up on the block, "dove" in, and swam the fastest I've ever seen him go.  Granted, he came in 5th out of 5 kids, but they gave him a ribbon when he got out of the pool and he was grinning from ear to ear. 

(He's the second kid from the top of the screen - you'll know it's him by his not-so-graceful dive-jump maneuver.) 

He said, "I think Cole's gonna be pretty jealous of my ribbon" and then he just kept petting it saying, " silk with gold trim..."

At least the kid doesn't lack confidence.  Here's to a successful summer, no matter what color ribbons he scoops up.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I Got A Feeling...That Tonight's Gonna Be A Good Good Night

Let's face it.  We don't get out much.

When the opportunity came up to go to a friend's wedding in New Hope, we jumped at the chance.  The build up for our big night (oops I mean their big night) was so exciting, until we had to work through the logistics of packing up 4 kids, getting them out the door, and delivering them to 3 different locations.  But we muddled through.

The wedding was at the Holly Hedge Estate in New Hope. Oh. My. Dear. Lord.  It was amazing.  Or maybe that was just the wine talking, I'm not sure.

The bride and groom are both CHOP ED nurses so the whole crew was in full effect.  These kids sure know how to let loose (thankfully shots were suggested, but not delivered).


It was so weird being out just Phil and me.  The whole hour car ride to New Hope we just sat there in silence with goofy smiles on our faces.

Congratulations to:
a. Laura and Steve (the bride and groom)
b. All of the people who watched our kids for surviving the night
c. The chef at The Holly Hedge Estate for finding the largest shrimps I've ever seen in my life

Mazel tov!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Happy (Belated) 5th Birthday To Cole

Oops...I forgot to blog about Cole's's been a busy few months.

We had a hockey party at the Y -surprisingly no one was (seriously) injured despite the twenty 5 year olds chasing each other around a gym with sticks.

Logan and Lucy hamming it up

Uncle Steve defending the goal with the fiery passion of Ron Hextall himself

Cole and the crew

This has been a very quick 5 years and a very long 5 years. Cole - you are many things, but boring you are not. You keep life interesting with your energy, stories, heart, and passion. Love you to pieces, kiddo.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Peace Out Preschool

Cole had his preschool graduation luau. I swear I was just blogging about Ryan's graduation.  What the?!?

Anyhoo - Cole won an award:

The award for
is presented to
Cole Kerper

Long before the reset of the class was learning how to write and spell words, Cole was putting it all down on paper.  This outspoken student had things to communicate and was figuring out how to do it all on his own.  How do you spell: IMPRESSIVE?

To put it in Cole-terms: I luv yuw Cole and yow Momee is vewy prowd of yuw.

Would You Like To Ride In My Beautiful Balloon?

I wanted to surprise Phil for Father's Day, so on Saturday I told him we were going somewhere fun.  On the car ride there I asked him to guess what it was and he said, "A hot air balloon festival?"  Ummmm, yeah.

Charlie and Dean petting the baby piggies from The Pig Placement Network (they're looking for foster kids we cannot get a baby pig...we have enough mouths to feed.)

The view from inside a balloon

The launches begin...

On the way home, Phil said, "I'm glad we went to the balloon festival, because I sort of thought you were taking me to get a puppy.  And I really don't want to get a puppy."

Huh?!?  Happy Father's Day!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Hape Fodrs Dey

Phil was showered with love and presents on Father's Day.  It started with a homemade card from Coley...ah, the simple things.

After that he got a special treat of going to the supermarket.  Translation: He didn't have to wake the kids up/get them dressed/make them breakfast - and he had a whole hour to himself.  Yes, this is what happens to your life when you have 4 kids.

That night we had some fam over for food and drinks.  The boys were particularly pumped to hold Baby Henry and I have to say that I think the rainbow legwarmers I bought him are beyond.

Here's to all the dads out there...especially my hubs, my pops and my pops-in-law.  Dads rule!


On Saturday morning Ryan, Cole, and I went with some members of our church to the Good Samaritan Shelter in Phoenixville.  The goal was to clean up their yard to make it more enjoyable for the residents.

The boys dove right in.  I thought they’d tire out after the first 5 minutes, but they totally hung – all the while asking questions about shelters, the people that live there, and discovering with dropped jaws that not every house has a Lego Room.

By the end of the day – after 2 hours in the garden, baseball games, and an outdoor festival – we were all totally pooped.  But it was a good pooped. 

Next step is getting them to put in all of that work into our own yard…hmm…

Friday, June 15, 2012

If I Could Save Time In A Bottle...

The days are long, the years are short.  The days are long, the years are short.  The days are long, the years are short.

Sometimes I have to repeat this over and over (and over).  These kids drive me to drink on most days...but they're super-cute and growing up really fast.  

This sentimental rambling is a result of my reflecting over last weekend...

Friday was Ry's last day of school, so I left work early to hang with him and take him to swim team practice.  Luckily for me, it was the first day that they put them on the blocks to show them how to start in a race.  He hopped right up and "dove" in (hey at least his body made it into the water).  You go Ry!

That was also Cole's last day of school - his last day at his daycare.  Ever.  He literally grew up there and even though Charlie & Dean will still be going there, it's just weird that Cole is old enough to leave. *sob*

That night was the annual Dub-C 4 Miler that goes past our house.  The kids love to be out there cooling the runners down with the hose, and the moms love to be out there cheering the runners on with their wine.

On Saturday morning Cole had his last T-Ball game and won himself a prize medal.  Although everyone won said medal, Cole was extremely proud and was showing it to EVERY. ONE. HE. SAW. on the way back  to the car.  Only to have it stolen by his lil' bro 3 seconds later *whomp whomp*

That night we went to a graduation party for our old neighbor.  (a) So weird that she's going to college, (b) Even weirder to be hanging in the neighborhood, and (c) Totally weirdest when we got the tour of the inside of our old house.  The memories.


Sunday was our buddy Oliver's birthday party at the Elmwood Park Zoo.  The boys were mostly impressed by the ants marching their way across the sidewalk...classy.

So to wrap up this long and seemingly endless post:
  • Ry can't dive
  • Ants are cool
  • Drinking wine is more fun than running
  • Kids grow up fast
  • The end.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

May One Picture A Day

To say we've been busy would be a gross understatement of the word busy.  But in a good way.  

We love to get the kids out and about - more time outside the house means less time destroying inside the house.  Let the summer begin...

Top 10 Faves From Girlfriends Weekend

Sue and I snuck away for another legendary weekend at the shore. And not just any weekend, an official Girlfriends Weekend at The Golden Inn. The package included meals, a spa treatment of our choice, and 2 drinks each (of course we maxed those out during Check-In).

The theme of the event was The Price Is Right (random), so in true game show style I present to you my Top 10 Favorite Parts Of Girlfriends Weekend 2012:

10. The complimentary bottle of wine left in the room.  Okay so it was White Zinfadel and tasted like motor oil...but it's the thought that counts.

9. His & Hers Port-A-Potties, and Sue rebelliously using the wrong one.

8. Doing the touristy thang.

7. The 900 year old woman who asked if we wanted her to take our picture, and the resulting photo.

6. The just-as-bad pic that I took only moments later (but we were dancing to Bon Jovi so I sort of have an excuse).

5. Day drinking by the pool - mojitos to be precise.

4. The view from breakfast.

3. Deciding that our bartender looked like Anastasia Steele from 50 Shades of Grey and trying to discreetly take pictures of her for evidence.

2. Sitting by the water...on chairs carried and dusted off by the cabana boy...reading 50 Shades (per #3)...dozing...and...

1. Getting away from it all.