Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Pack The Car...They're Off To College

Sigh. How do I freeze time? In the past week the boys have both had these teeny tiny milestones that make me feel like they're completely grown up.


Started in the 2-year classroom on Monday. They drink out of real cups (not the kind with lids - it's quite a mess) and use the bathroom instead of having diaper changes


Now officially takes a shower instead of a bath. He doesn't even play with his water toys...unless you count his fake razor but he takes the shaving portion of his shower very seriously.


Is talking up a storm and can sort of hold a conversation with you. His newfound joy is talking on the phone...which doesn't EVER end so if you see our number on Caller ID you may want to think twice before picking up.


Taught himself how to read and will sit quietly with his books. It's really the only time he's ever quiet for an extended period of time (unless you count sleeping...although according to Phil he was talking in his sleep last night...a story for another post). Thank goodness he still lets me read to him...when that's over I'll truly be depressed!!!

I know all of this development is good...I just can't believe these kids aren't babies anymore. When I saw Cole sitting at the table with all of those 2 year olds drinking out of regular cups, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. If I squinted my eyes just right I could see a little graduation cap on his head as he waved goodbye to me on his way to college...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well at least you are having another one so you can keep the baby thing going. But at some point, that does have to stop (or at least that's what Mark tells me!)