Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What's It All Mean?

Ry is on a new kick of asking what everything means. It's funny how you just know word definitions without really thinking about it - when was the last time you had to articulate the meaning of "shrivel" to a 4 year old?

Today he's asked me to explain such words as "about" and "instead." When he was leaving school his friends all gathered around him to give him a big hug. I said, "You guys are so cute - you're making my heart melt" to which he asked "Mommy what does melt mean?"

Although he uses these words every day, he seems to just want to know the deeper meaning. Where is Confucius when you need him?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I get stumped when they ask questions about how blood cells attack germs or how the sun moves away from the earth in the winter. It's stuff that you THINK you know but then when you have to actually explain it, well, it just doesn't work out well. I think I end up confusing them even MORE.