Saturday, February 06, 2010

Snow Day

In anticipation of the snow, we had a sleepover with friends last night. There was breakfast for dinner and 4 boys piled into a tent in the bedroom.

We woke up to a foot or so, and by the time all was said and done I'd say we got about 2 feet. Phil was busy shoveling all of the sidewalks...he's been away for almost every snowfall this season, so he had to pay back all of the kind-hearted people who have helped me out.

The boys tried to go sledding at the park, but it was still snowing and the sled kept getting stuck mid-hill. It was a nice try despite the logistical failures.

They made it home for hot chocolate and a dip in the neighbor's basement pool. Now all that's left to do is sit back and wait for the next storm that's supposed to hit next week. Bring it!

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