Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Tonight we hosted our annual Passover seder. Talk about the joys of friendship - the kids were just hanging like this on their own so I grabbed the camera to capture the moment.

This was Cole's reaction when he found out they were going on an afikomen hunt (searching for the matzah hidden in the house.) He basically couldn't contain himself - here's to the little things in life.

I had the brilliant idea to print out pictures for all the kids so they could follow along with the seder. We made it into a game and they actually stayed engaged through most of the service.

The easy pictures to find on the web: Moses in a basket, matzah, candles, burning bush. The not-so-easy ones included most of the plagues. I don't suggest that you Google image search boils, lice, or locusts anytime soon.

On a happier note, I finally found a Passover kugel recipe that was not only edible, but delish. For those of you with leftover matzah, please to enjoy.

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