Monday, January 10, 2011

They're. Stir. Crazy. Get. Me. Out. Of. Here.

Is it Spring yet?

These boys have officially lost their minds. They're itching to run around - fortunately (or unfortunately, I'm not sure) our house is a big circle, so sometimes they just end up chasing each other around and around. And around.

Part of Stir Craziness 2011 involves Ry handing me the camera every night and asking me to take pictures of him. He could use some help as Art Director, but right now I'm just letting him do his thing.

So tonight they were playing Sheriff Woody and poor Charlie got caught in the crossfires. I didn't know whether to laugh (Ry and Cole) or cry (Cha) so I just kept snapping.

The countdown to Spring is on.

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