Friday, January 13, 2012

Oh What A Tangled Web We Weave

Every year for Christmas, Aunt Lori buys the boys matching PJs. This year was a Spidey theme and the boys were killin' the lewk.

Here's how I imagine this conversation going:
Dean: Okay...quick I'm thinking about just messing around when she's trying to take our picture
Charlie: Shh, shh, here she comes...act natural...

Cole was right on point as he warmed up for our annual PJ shoot:

Right before we took this picture Ry stubbed his toe. We told them they could get an extra dessert if they smiled - so here you see Ryan gritting his teeth and taking it like a man.

And the always popular raising the roof shot.

I don't know how many more years we'll be able to convince them to wear matching for now I'll just take what I can get. These boys will always be super heroes in my book. *SHAZAAM!*

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