Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Day 2 Florida Vacay - Legoland

The boys woke up Monday morning and it was like a scene out of a movie.  "Can we go to Legoland?!?  Can we go to Legoland?!? Can we go to Legoland?!?"  You catch my drift.

We arrived at the park and they gasped with excitement.  We had arrived.

After we were about 5 steps into the park, they started to see all of the stores pimping out Lego merchandise.  The next chant became, "Can we buy something?  How much money can we spend? Can we get a Lego set now?"

By the time we got to the first ride, they had their eye on the prize.  Nothing would satisfy their souls except a new Lego set.  Tensions were high.

So we handled it like any rational thinking parent in a busy theme park in 90 degree heat with 3 screaming children. We put them in time out and told them that we weren't buying them a thing and they would have to  earn their toy priviledge back through good behavior - that little dose of reality snapped 'em right out of it.

We got home and Cole settled in for his soon-to-be nightly routine of snuggling with the family dog Kelty.  Luckily she was just as happy to have a snuggle buddy and the rest is history.

That night, Phil and I snuck out to Whiskey Joe's for drinks and seafood on the water.  After many cocktails we ended up on the beach posing in the lifeguard stand.  Okay so it was just me posing in the lifeguard stand, whatever.

We arrived home to find our boys peacefully snoozing away with the dog barrier working wonders.

And for the record, we did buy them each a Lego set at the end of the park because of good behavior. Also because we are suckers.

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