Monday, May 21, 2012

Ry Would Kill Me For Posting This But I Think It's Too Cute To Keep Hush Hush...

...Plus he doesn't know I have a blog.  So there.

A recent convo with Ry:

Me: What did you do at recess today?
Ry: I don't want to talk about it.
Me: Uh oh.  Did you do something to get into trouble?
Ry: No. I just don't want to talk about it - it's embarrassing.
Me: It's okay to tell me.
Ry: Well I played with Sarah.
Me: Aaaaand....
Ry: And it starts with an "F".
Me: *Gulp*
Ry: Faaair...
Me: Oh, did you play fairies with Sarah?
Ry: Yeah, but fairies and princesses are for girls, so I was a nurse.

Just like daddy. LOVE IT.

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