As mentioned in a
previous post, I'm trying to write down the cute (and wacky) things that Ry says. As his vocabulary grows, so does his list of are some more for memory lane.
"Ry Ry's So Funny" : The kid is a Kerper so this had to be expected. The phrase is used in a variety of ways...mostly after he's done something he shouldn't have (ie thrown something off the dinner table) and tries to diffuse the situation by pretending it's funny.
"Sammy Whammy Pumpkin Pammy" : Just one example of the nicknames that he's starting to give to everyone. He likes to rhyme so he's incorporating that into everyday life. Other Ry-isms include Mommy-Wommy, Daddy-Laddy, Little Fleimsteins (what he calls Little Einsteins) and the ever popular Silly-Willy-Pumpkin-Pie (his nickname for himself).
"New Present" : Every time he sees a bag, Ry thinks that there's a present for him inside. It doesn't matter if it's batteries inside a CVS bag...he sees it and gasps in utter delight knowing that there's something wonderful in there.
"Ry Ry's Happy Now" : The first time we heard this phrase was over the summer at the pool. For reasons unknown, he had a complete meltdown and we had to leave because he was having a classic 2-year old tantrum. This involved packing everything up, throwing him over our shoulders, and carrying him to the car. We strapped him in, the tears stopped, he looked me straight in the eye and said "Ry Ry's Happy Now." Like a lightswitch...