He's still floating to the top though, that can't be good.
This is high drama...will keep you posted!
It's not looking good for Football (Ry's fish). In fact, I'm quite sure he's dead but I'm too squimish to take a good hard look into the tank.
Last night he was freaking out and then floating to the top...freaking out...floating to the top...
I asked Phil what to do and he suggested euthanizing him (Phil has never been a fan of the fish concept). I turned to our friend Jim who (randomly) raised beta fish as a child with his dad. When I asked if I should call the vet he gently explained that maybe we should just leave Football alone so he can pass on as intended.
If anyone has any good ideas for explaining this one to Ry, I'm all ears!!

1 comment:
We have had lots of fish and they all died. So I went and bought the most vigorous fish in the tank at the store, thinking it would not die. By the time I got home, we had like 25 fish because the vigorous fish was actually giving birth, hence the vigor. And then she died. And then so did the baby fish. Really lovely.
We had a little fishy funeral and flushed her and the babies. The kids took it better than I thought they would.
Good luck.
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