When we were leaving his classroom today, he turned around to his teachers and yelled out "Hey everybody, Happy Holidays!!" It was so random and the whole room cracked up laughing.
Tonight we lit the candles for the second night of Hanukkah. As I was getting everything ready, he said "hold on Mommy I need to get my hat!" He ran to the other room and grabbed his little yamulke. It's the same one that he and Cole both wore for their briss. Ry also wears it for our annual holiday picture, so he must have put everything together.
Since we celebrate both Hanukkah and Christmas, we've been talking to the boys about Santa. Tonight when I put Ry to bed he said "tomorrow is Tuesday...then comes Wednesday...then Santa comes on Thursday!!! We need to leave him cookies because he's going to be so tired from flying to all of the kids' houses all night long." I asked him how Santa is going to stay warm when he's flying outside, and Ry said "he just needs to keep on his big red coat and he'll be okay."
I can't wait to see his face when he comes downstairs on Christmas morning. Hopefully Santa's sleigh will be filled with the Transformers he's been hoping for. If only they weren't so hard to put together!!

This is the BEST pic!!! They are so adorable and you can tell that Cole just loves his big brother. Definitely one of those pics you will look at year after year and smile.
It warms my heart to see that little blue and white hat. I will never forget the guy's face who sold it to us minutes before the bris. Or the fact that I tried to sew one 3 times and failed. That guy was like seriously, you are a Protestant. Just buy this yarmulke and don't beat yourself up about it already! Happy Holidays Ry!
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