Friday, March 27, 2009
Don't Blame Me - Blame Genetics
Well he actually had an answer and I'm fully embracng it. The quick answer is that your brain is preparing you to be focused on something else other than yourself. If you didn't have time to warm up to the concept of taking care of something beyond your own needs, it would be a difficult transition when the baby comes.
Then Henry started talking about how it's built into our genetics from the beginning of time. He said that if we didn't have this "pregnancy dubmness" (my words, not his) to build us up for being fabulous moms, then cavewoman could have been out foraging for fruits and berries while their newborn baby was back at the cave getting eaten by a saber tooth tiger.
That's when it started to get a little intense so I wrapped it up. But the bottom line is still clear. You can't blame me for my stupidity over the next few months - it's in my blood!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Every week I get an email from a website that updates me on the baby. It talkes about what body parts he's growing, how big he's getting, etc. They always equate his growth to a fruit or vegetable and I find it hysterical to get my weekly Wednesday email and picture the little "ear of corn" growing inside of me.
Here is the sequential order of our blossoming little boy:
Week 4: Poppy seed
Week 5: Sesame seed
Week 6: Lentil bean
Week 7: Blueberry
Week 8: Kidney bean
Week 9: Grape
Week 10: Kumquat
Week 11: Fig
Week 12: Lime
Week 13: Medium shrimp
Week 14: Lemon
Week 15: Apple
Week 16: Avocado
Week 17: Turnip
Week 18: Bell pepper
Week 19: Large heirloom tomato
Week 20: Banana
Week 21: Carrot
Week 22: Spaghetti squash
Week 23: Large mango
Week 24: Ear of corn
Week 25: An average rutabega
Who knows what lies ahead?! I guess when I get to "watermelon" I know I'm in trouble.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
What's It All Mean?
Today he's asked me to explain such words as "about" and "instead." When he was leaving school his friends all gathered around him to give him a big hug. I said, "You guys are so cute - you're making my heart melt" to which he asked "Mommy what does melt mean?"
Although he uses these words every day, he seems to just want to know the deeper meaning. Where is Confucius when you need him?
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Ry Decided To Dress Himself
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
I Am Clearly Procrastinating
BABIES? 4 year old...almost 2 year on the way in July!!
FAVORITE SMELL? Lemon, something sweet baking in the oven, freshly cut grass, my kids after they get out of the bath, gin (I hate the taste of it but the smell of Beefeater reminds me of Granny :-)
FIRST THING YOU THINK OF IN THE MORNING? Where is the remote...gotta turn on Ukee Washington
FUTURE CHILD'S NAME? Working on that one
WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT IN YOUR LIFE? My boys...staying healthy and happy...having good perspective
FAVOURITE FOOD? cream with peanut butter...eggroll with lots of duck sauce...chicken pecan salad from CC Bookstore...mmm I'm hungry
IF YOU COULD PLAY AN INSTRUMENT, WHAT WOULD IT BE? I took piano lessons a few years ago and loved it. If I had the time I'd get really good and ask Billy Joel if he'd like me to tour with him
IF YOU COULD HAVE ANY JOB YOU WANTED WHAT WOULD IT BE? I really like the job that I have now. I'd love to be writing full time
FAVORITE MOVIE? Any James Bond movie...Princess Bride...Wayne's World...The Family Stone
WHAT'S UNDER YOUR BED? Storage containers filled with purses...dust
WHAT IS YOUR GREATEST WEAKNESS? Ice cream with whipped cream...Cole's look of "c'mon...stop being mad at me"
BEACH, MOUNTAINS OR CITY? Mountains. Some day we'll own a cute little cabin next to a lake. I'm not a fan of sand and the city is not for me anymore
WHAT MAKES YOU REALLY ANGRY? Negativity...when people talk to be heard...passive-aggressiveness...when I tell Ry to do something and he says "I want Daddy"
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DAY? I absolutely LOVE Saturdays. No worries on Saturdays
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE MEAL? King crab legs with a sweet potato and a cold beer
IF YOU COULD TAKE A VACATION ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD WHERE WOULD IT BE? Italy...back to London...Disney with the kids and a nanny
Monday, March 16, 2009
We Didn't Start The Fire
Seemed like a good idea at the time...we invited a few cousins and friends from school and were ready to partay. The kids were knocking the first thing off the list - climbing on the firetrucks - when a really loud announcement came over the loudspeaker. And with that, the fireman came up to me and said "Soooo...we have to go." And they all climbed onto the truck and off they went, leaving us alone in their fire station.
The good news was it wasn't anything big and they were back in about 20 minutes. We breathed a sigh of relief and it was time to paaaaaaarty!
First we got a tour of the station...the big hit was the fireman sliding down the pole.
Next he gave a fire safety talk...he got decked out in all of his equipment to show the kids that it wasn't scary.
Then they all piled into the firetruck and went for a ride around the block. Ry got to sit in the front which he got a big kick out of. When they got back they busted out the firehouse and all the kids got a turn going at it. Next stop...April 27th...Cole will be turning 2!!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Birthday Fun...And Sweatin' To The Oldies
Luckily Phil was home so they were able to party it up. It all started at his annual dentist appointment. He still thinks this is a fun experience, and did a great job sitting in the chair alone with the doctor while Phil chased Cole around the waiting room.
After they hit up Toys R Us for a balloon and a book, I met them at home to top off the day with burgers and cake.
While the boys were out having birthday fun, I had to work. Slaving away at the office with Richard Simmons and friends...nothing like some jazz hands in the Green Room to get you through the day.
Happy birthday dear Ryan...Happy birthday to you!!!
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Light At The End Of The Tunnel
The second piece of news, and one that brings a tear to my eye, is that Cole is actually starting to watch TV!!!! We can usually get him to sit down for at least 10 minutes straight, which is quite an accomplishment in the book of Cole.
I don't think he's sat still for a 10 minute stretch since he's been born, so we're quite pleased with the progress we've been making :-)
Balls And Shirts And Gorillas, Oh My!
Cole seemed most fascinated by the fact that the gorillas had balls to play with in their cage. All he wanted to do was look at them - every time we tried to leave the exhibit he kept running back to the gorillas saying "Ball! Ball!"
Ry was most excited by the fact that he walked past another boy wearing the same shirt that he had on.
Whatever floats your boat!

Thursday, March 05, 2009
For those of you with boys you'll agree this is too true...
Boys in my House
There are boys in my house - and Spiderman shoes
And 200 papers in various blues.
There's Bob (he's a builder) and Thomas the Train,
There's a fireman coat to wear in the rain.
They have cars on their shirts and frogs on their hats
There's a glove and a ball and a red plastic bat.
There's dirt on a face and a smudge on a nose;
Grass stains on knees and sand between toes.
There's bathtime at night with bodies to scrub,
And when we're all done there is dirt in the tub!
There's bandaids and bruises and curious bumps,
There's smiles and laughter and sometimes there's grumps.
There's odors most icky; there's boogers so green
There's more yucky things than I'll ever get clean.
There's piles of laundry; there's stories at night;
There's bedtime and bathtime and dinnertime fights.
There's cars and there's trains and there's books about trucks
There's Scoop, Lofty, Dizzy, and Travis, and Muck.
Sometimes there are bugs, and sometimes there are frogs;
Sometimes they are lions, or dinos, or dogs.
There are cute little vests and darling neckties
Dragged right through the mud - oh what a surprise!
There's running and climbing and jumping and falling
And laughing and crying and hugging and brawling
And rolling and losing and finding and creeping
And whining and stealing and sometimes there's sleeping.
There's tantrums and time outs and extra loud noise -
There's love in my house shaped like two little boys with puppy dogs eyes
Sunday, March 01, 2009
It's A...
We had the ultrasound on Friday and we're having a...
Not only are we syked to add another brother to the mix, we're also thrilled and relieved to hear that he's healthy and right on track.
Most people that we tell are sad for us that we're not having a girl. Even though I'm only 5 months pregnant I've been asked about 25 times when we're going to work on the next one so we can have a girl!!
I appreciate everyone's concern, but assure you that we didn't try for #3 to have a girl...we tried for #3 to add another member to the family. We look into the future and picture the boys cheering each other on at football games, having each other's backs in school, most likely trying to kill each other at times, playing hockey in the alley, and best of all...hand-me-downs!!!
The first picture below is a view of him looking straight on. The second is a 4D shot which is almost too vivid to believe. This was the first ultrasound I had where I could feel the baby move at the same time as seeing it on the screen...he's really in there!!

Rico Suave