We had the ultrasound on Friday and we're having a...
Not only are we syked to add another brother to the mix, we're also thrilled and relieved to hear that he's healthy and right on track.
Most people that we tell are sad for us that we're not having a girl. Even though I'm only 5 months pregnant I've been asked about 25 times when we're going to work on the next one so we can have a girl!!
I appreciate everyone's concern, but assure you that we didn't try for #3 to have a girl...we tried for #3 to add another member to the family. We look into the future and picture the boys cheering each other on at football games, having each other's backs in school, most likely trying to kill each other at times, playing hockey in the alley, and best of all...hand-me-downs!!!
The first picture below is a view of him looking straight on. The second is a 4D shot which is almost too vivid to believe. This was the first ultrasound I had where I could feel the baby move at the same time as seeing it on the screen...he's really in there!!

1 comment:
Yay for our new baby Kerper :). The gender issue is so interesting. As you know I SO wanted a girl, and 16 months later can't imagine not having a boy. When I was making that mental transition, a good friend told me-- it is right that you should have a boy, because you will raise a child who is a credit to his gender, and I feel the same about you and Phil. When people like you have sons, that means there are more loving, fun, open minded terrific boys in the world. :) (and of course, the same would be true of a girl, umm except she would well, be a girl... LOL) Love you guys and wish you all the health and happiness with this new little miracle. XOXO
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