Sunday, June 07, 2009

Yehudit Rivkah In The House

Today one of my oldest friends Stacey (a.k.a. Pishosh) celebrated her wedding to Brett. She asked me to be the witness for their Ketubah signing and I gladly accepted.

There was a pre-ceremony ceremony in which I had to sign both my Hebrew and English names on their certificate. Knowing this would be hanging in their home pressure...I was frantically practicing my Hebrew name for most of the morning. I think I pulled it off.

Everything was beautiful and the we were livin' the high life with quiche and filet. Congratulations Pishoshie and Brett, and thanks for including me in your special day!!

I think the Buddah statue next to the ceremony site is sure to bring luck to the happy couple. You'll never guess how Phil asked me to pose with poor Buddah...I politely declined.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find it incongruous that there is a buddah statue at a jewish wedding. Now if the groom were a buddist . . .