Ry has determined that he no longer wants to go on the "little kid" rides and has graduated to the ones that make you want to puke. Unfortunately Mom or Dad need to accompany him on most of these...for the drama that ensued please read on.

When you're young, it's fun to go on these things because all you think is "This is super fast!!" or "Look how high I'm going!!!" When you're an adult you think "The kid running this can't be older than 12, and he's certainly not First Aid certified" or "There's no way this was properly inspected in at least 15 years." Alas, I bravely hopped on the balloon ride and held on really, really tight.

Ry insisted that he wanted to ride the roller coaster. After waiting in line for half hour he was all smiles for take off. Fast forward to the next 2 minutes of screaming (not the good kind), a few tears (definitely not the good kind), and the declaration that roller coasters are "way too scary for little kids like him."
The most important lesson we learned - and one I've suspected all along - Hazel cannot deny the seductive power of the Kerper boys.
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