Sunday, March 13, 2011

6 Years In The Making

Here's my theory on birthday parties. When you live in a house filled to the brim with brothers, you can sometimes get lost in the shuffle. So for that one special day a year, I let them go all out.

For Ryan's 6th, he specifically requested to have his friends over to our house for a Star Wars battle.

Little did our galactic heroes know that the the Dark Side would be making an appearance. Voice box and all, Darth Vader busted into the backyard for some terrifying freeze tag and the ever-intimidating Hokey Pokey.

Ry was a little freaked out. I should have seen this coming after he met Darth in Florida and was convinced that he was going to kill him with his lightsaber. He took the character so seriously that he refused to leave the deck during the fun & games (although he tried to convince me it was because he was " 'too sweaty' from playing with his friends.")

Ry was eventually talked into getting his face painted, and in hindsight says it was his best birthday ever. May the force be with you, my young 6 year old.

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