Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Downtime 2.0

So I’m on day 20 of my commitment to not watch any TV in the month of March.

It’s been an interesting experiment that was a little shock to my system at first. I’ll be honest - the first two nights I just threw in the towel and went to bed at 9 pm due to sheer boredom.

The other shock to my system was the lack of pure downtime.  My day is a whirlwind. I’m up at 5:30 am getting everything ready for the day, then I corral the kids, work for 9 or 10 hours, get dinner on the table, run around with the boys, get everyone to bed, then make lunch for the next day.

By the time the last bedtime story is read and the final peanut butter sandwich is made, I’m pooped. My reward for surviving the day has always been to plop on the couch and zone out for an hour or 2 with my reality TV friends.

It’s hard to muster up the strength to do anything productive, but I’ve managed a few activities in my 20 days of fun:
  • Painted my nails
  • Read a book (Boys Should Be Boys by Meg Meeker
  • Cooked dinners for the week
  • Organized the kid’s clothes by size and season
  • Watched baby videos
  • Listened to music and created new playlists on my iPhone
I know these sound small and silly (except the clothes organization – let’s face it, that was exhausting) but I can’t remember the last time I actually sat down and read a book.

11 days to go…who knows what plans lie ahead (hopefully it's a little more thrilling than painting my nails…I’ll try to top that for the sake of telling a better blog story).

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