Friday, April 13, 2012

Floriday Vacay Day 3 - Part One

I know all of these vacation posts are draaaaaging out - but I can only find little bits and pieces of time to write.  So I'll slowly but surely make my way through the week (hopefully before our next vacation).

We woke up Tuesday morning and scarfed down breakfast so we could go to the beach.  The most ironic part of our trip - we were so close to Clearwater and yet Phillies Spring Training had ended the week before.  So instead of seeing the Phils in Clearwater, we saw the Gulf Of Mexico instead.  Fair trade in my book.

We were in the car ride down and told the boys that they'd probably be able to see their feet in the water.  Ry responded from the back seat, "That's so cool!  Since the Atlantic Ocean is brown so you can't really see anything except jellyfish and bottles."  Awesome.

I just wanted one nice picture.  Just one nice picture boys!?!  At least Charlie went in for the smooch at the end which sort of made of for the train wrech of a photo opp.

We ended the trip with hot dogs in the sand and an outdoor shower.  Although this sounds very peaceful it was actually a total mess and not at all productive, which is why we had to spray the boys down with Patty & Steve's garden hose when we got home.  Not optimal (or warm), but necessary.

The next part of the day was spent at the Lowry Park Zoo - an awesome afternoon to be documented later.  And so yes, these posts will draaaaaaag on some more...

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