Tuesday, March 04, 2008

No Big Deal

We had swim class #2 tonight. I had been reminding Ry nightly that swim day was coming up. When I would mention his class, he'd say "No big deal to dunk my head...no big deal Mommy." (Obvious translation alert: He doesn't like to dunk his head under the water, so we tell him it's not a big deal).

When we got to the pool, Ry ran up to his teacher and said "Look Mommy, it's Rebecca!" He was seriously gazing up at her with this tender love and affection. Ry is officially in love with Rebecca.

So they did the same old same old. Kick, jump, splash, dunk. At the end, I asked Ry what he thought of everything. He said "Mommy, I was scared when I dunked my head. But it's no big deal."

His interpretation seemed pretty logical to me!

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