Friday, August 12, 2011

What A Year

When we found out we were pregnant with Dean, we absolutely couldn’t believe it. We didn’t even talk to each other for a few days because we couldn’t form words. We were shocked.

The pregnancy was tough due to fears of complications. I was large, grumpy, tired, working, and raising 3 kids ages 5, 3, and 1. We were stressed.

When Dean was born, Charlie wasn’t walking. Cole wasn’t potty trained. We were stretched.

I very vividly remember walking up the back steps when I came home from the hospital. I was holding the baby carrier, and the other boys were jumping all around vying for my attention. I looked at Phil with tears in my eyes and said, “I don’t think I can do this.”

Then I walked into the Living Room and Grammy was sitting on the couch with her arms outstretched for the baby (literally). And from that point on, I knew we were going to be okay because we have very special people in our lives to help us through the hard parts.

It’s been an interesting year with a lot of laughs, tears, tantrums, hugs, and sleepless nights. But mostly lessons.

Lessons about multi-tasking, prioritizing, sharing, listening, and loving. Loving our boys, and loving the people in our lives who insist on helping us even when we say we have it all under control (because the reality is we usually don’t!!)

Happy (belated) birthday to Dean. Thanks for changing our lives and bringing love and laughter to everyone you meet.

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