Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Rock The Vote

Okay I have to tell you about my voting experience. The short story is that I literally waited in line for 3 hours. The long story is a little more Coombayah so please read on for the gory details (maybe just gory to me...ow my feet hurt).

I drove past our polling place in the morning and at lunch - the line was out the door and down the street. I had a dentist appointment in the afternoon which meant I had to leave early anyway, so I couldn't justify being away from work that long to stand in the line.

SO - after my dentist appointment, I picked up the boys and brought them to my parent's house. With half of my face completely numb from novicaine, I forged on. I staked my place in line and there I stood.

Things to consider:
1. I live in a college town so our polling place is a dorm. Most of the other procrastinators were college students, and therefore it was quite a rowdy crowd

2. It was raining. A light drizzle that was just enough to make you pause before using electronic devices

3. I hadn't changed after work so I was still wearing heels. Worst decision of the day

Even with all of the rain and second-hand smoke, it was actually a great experience. There were a ton of volounteers offering candy, umbrellas, parkas, water, hoagies, pizza, hand warmers...you name it. All because they wanted you to stay in line to vote.

I learned a lot about my dear sweet line neighbors Chelsea, Enya, Kirsten, and Emily. While nibbling on soggy peanut butter sandwiches (keep in mind my face was basically numb so it couldn't have been pretty) they gabbed about their college tests and the drama of living in the dorms. When one of the candidates made her way though the line to say hello to voters, the girls went celebrity crazy on her. "OMG we're TOTALLY voting for you!!!!" You don't even want to know what they did when the news camera came by (they discussed flashing the camera guy but talked themselves out of it).

By the time I got to vote I was glad that I waited it out...I always feel a sense of pride when I step into the little booth. Someone behind us had dropped out of line and our gutsy Chelsea yelled after her "people in third world countries wait in line for 3 days to vote!!" You go Chelesa.


Anonymous said...

Wow, you got so many more freebies than we did! Subway came by with 2 trays of sandwiches but those went to the front of the line. Then people with homemade cheese sandwiches (no thanks, don't know who you are or how clean your kitchen is!). No umbrellas, which would have been great. And the second-hand smoke was annoying. They kept smooshing us together to make the line look shorter and I felt like telling the person that my baby has not yet had a cigarette, thank you very much, I'll keep my distance. Glad you got to vote though.

Jim said...

Geeze- We didn't get anything but a heart shaped flag sticker for voting.
Although we did have a beautiful day and only a 3 min. wait to vote, so I guess that evens it out.
Still a hoagie would have been awesome.

Melissa said...

Let's hear it for dedication, even in the face of numbness and adversity! :) Good job!