Thursday, November 27, 2008


We had dinner with the Kerpers and dessert with the Kleins. Although we just finished eating a few hours ago, as I write this I sit with a plate of leftovers. I love Thanksgiving!

One thing I learned is that trying to art direct a bunch of kids under 5 is never easy...

Cole and Logan each had their own interpretation of "smile"...

Aunt Jenn brought over the fixins for a gingerbread house...Logan and Ry had a deep conversation regarding their favorite candy.

By the time we got to Aunt Liz and Uncle George's house Cole was completely high on sugar. I'm not even exaggerating when I say he probably ate a minimum of 12 cookies. Of course the first thing he did was run over to the dessert area for another one.

Here he is rockin' out with Elmo...

Clapping to the music that plays in his head...

Going completely bonkers...

Did I mention he had 12 (or more) cookies??

We should have learned the first time, but something inspired us to try for another group picture. Didn't really work out, but Pop Pop sure looks smashing.

There is lots to be thankful for today. I'm thankful for Cole's hearty laugh. I'm thankful for Ry's silliness. I'm thankful that Phil shaved off his moustache. I'm thankful for sweet potato surprise. Love to you all - hope your holiday was a great one. Bring on the Christmas season!!

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