First on my hit list was patches and iron-ons to make new baby onesies. A lot of our old ones are "gently used" (i.e. clean but gross from puke stains) and I needed a way to get some cheap but cute new things. My current fave is the one below that will say "Kerp" instead of Alex. Hip hip for Baby Kerp!

Speaking of handmade, thanks to Aunt Mel I have a new pattern for baby hats. Due to my left-handedness it was always a challenge to learn knitting and crocheting, so I'm taking this approach instead. Hey maybe if they're easy to make I'll slap some up on etsy and charge a sizeable mark-up!!! Send over your old t-shirts if you've got 'em!
I'm a left knitter. Sometime we'll have to get together and I'll show you how to knit lefty style. ;)
Abby you SO need to help me! I wish I had the skillz to make those cute little knit caps, but alas this peanut will need to live with hats cut out from scraps of old college t-shirts. And we thought we had middle child syndrome...RK
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