There's a lot to do before the next peanut rolls into town. It's time to dig into the depths of the basement for the baby must-haves...the big bin with 0-3 months onesies is down there somewhere, the car seat needs to be dusted off, and I'm pretty sure the swing squeaks but still does the job.
We're also working on moving the boys into one room, and that's turning into a process within itself...transitioning Cole to a toddler bed, re-arranging all of the furniture, and getting their clothes coordinated (I reached for a pair of Cole's pants the other day and there were still some 6 month pairs in the drawer, oops!)
Somewhere in between all this we have to keep up with the daily life of swim lessons, school, spontaneous nesting moments, sickness, organizing things at work, and life.
Okay...deep breaths...I'm going to consider this blog entry my to-do list and will try to check one thing off at a time. If you see me buried in a pile of little tiny clothes, hats and socks...come rescue me!!!

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