I have to give photo credit here to our neighbor. The bus was a few minutes early so we literally had to run - it all happened so fast that I didn't even have time to snap a picture.
My visions of a hearfelt good-bye were replaced with us tearing down the street screaming, "Hold the bus!!" (Okay maybe it wasn't that dramatic but I felt pretty stressed at the time).
At the end of the day Ry put on his army costume (complete with gloves so his "hands won't get hurt in battle.") It was 95 degrees outside but I cut him slack - after all it was only his first day, and he's still got a lot to learn.
Cut to August 2010 and this was the best we could do. Not bad considering it was the end of a long day and the ice cream had already been eaten. We'll give it another whirl in 2011!
I'm continuing to dip into the archives of the last few weeks and found these videos. The first one shows our little Charlie walking the walk. I'm not sure if he's running towards something or away from something, but either way, the kid sure can move.
Here we find our two favorite cowboys doing Ry's version of the do-si-do. What they lack in grace they make up for in heart. Yee haw!
This one is sort of hard to hear, but the point is more about the cuteness of it all. Ry was reading a book to Cole and it just seemed so sweet. So rare are these moments that I had to capture it to remind myself there just may be hope for brotherly love after all.
Dean is doing really well so far. He's settling into a good nursing schedule and basically cycles through the above (sleep...cry...eat...chill).