Friday, August 20, 2010

Now Casting For The Roles Of Delivery Room Doctor And Nurse

Ry's camp had a talent show this week. Like a good stage mother, I was all set up with my video camera in a prime front row seat. Only problem - when I went to download the videos I used the wrong power cord and fried the camera (there was literally a popping sound and a puff of smoke).

In light of this setback, I'll set the scene for you myself. Ry chose to tell jokes and sing a song as his talent. I have no idea where he heard "Run Baby Run," but he busted out the acapella version accompanied by his buddy Cameron. The jokes were a little freestyle, but he did manage to bring down the house with the old classic knock knock, "Orange you glad I didn't say banana?!"

Only one more week of camp and then he starts Kindergarten. I'm sad to see him leave his daycare - he's been going there since he was one and really loves it. But he's totally pumped for his new school and I'm excited to see him movin' on up - just hoping he works on his comedy material before the first day.

So next on the to-do list is (a) Finding a new video camera and (b) Recording a re-enactment of Dean's birth. Apparently that was also on the camera...d'oh!


Mrs. Ward said...

Doesn't the memory card still work??You can put it in our camera and download it if you need to :-) Just a thought....

The Kerpers said...

No memory card. Wah.