I have to give photo credit here to our neighbor. The bus was a few minutes early so we literally had to run - it all happened so fast that I didn't even have time to snap a picture.
My visions of a hearfelt good-bye were replaced with us tearing down the street screaming, "Hold the bus!!" (Okay maybe it wasn't that dramatic but I felt pretty stressed at the time).

Ry had only glowing reports about his first day. He said he liked his teacher so much that he nicknamed her "Mrs. Nice," and his favorite part was that he got all the way across the monkey bars on his own.
After school the moms organized an ice cream party for the kids. It was pretty easy to pump them for information after we sugared them up with sprinkles and whipped cream.
At the end of the day Ry put on his army costume (complete with gloves so his "hands won't get hurt in battle.") It was 95 degrees outside but I cut him slack - after all it was only his first day, and he's still got a lot to learn.
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