Friday, March 27, 2009

Don't Blame Me - Blame Genetics

I had a meeting yesterday with a neuroscientist named Henry - he's part of a team that developed a program to help improve your brain function. As we were wrapping up, I decided to seize the opportunity (how often do you have a meeting with neuroscientist after all) and asked the well-composed question, "why am I always so dumb when I'm pregnant?!?!"

Well he actually had an answer and I'm fully embracng it. The quick answer is that your brain is preparing you to be focused on something else other than yourself. If you didn't have time to warm up to the concept of taking care of something beyond your own needs, it would be a difficult transition when the baby comes.

Then Henry started talking about how it's built into our genetics from the beginning of time. He said that if we didn't have this "pregnancy dubmness" (my words, not his) to build us up for being fabulous moms, then cavewoman could have been out foraging for fruits and berries while their newborn baby was back at the cave getting eaten by a saber tooth tiger.

That's when it started to get a little intense so I wrapped it up. But the bottom line is still clear. You can't blame me for my stupidity over the next few months - it's in my blood!


Anonymous said...

Whew! SO GLAD to know there is a reason for my Baby Brained-Forgetfulness!

Mrs. Ward said...

PS you spelled dumbness wrong--but I won't blame you :-)

The Kerper Family said...

um...hullo...i TOLD you not to blame me for my dubmness!

Mrs. Ward said...

I know--I was making a joke--guess it didn't read correctly through blogworld

The Kerper Family said...

Oh the irony...