The aftermath of the seder is so much more intense than I originally anticipated.
Ry woke up this morning FILLED with questions. All before 7:30 am. This is literally how it all went down:
Ry: Can I see God in real life?
Mom: No, God isn't a person. He lives in our hearts.
Ry: So then how did he come to Moses at the burning bush?
Mom: Sigh.
About a minute later he hit me again.
Ry: Do boils happen in real life?
Mom: Like water boiling?
Ry: No, like boils from the Passover plagues. If God is mad at me will I get boils on my body?
Mom: Double sigh.
I finally got them in the car for school and he kept on going, this time switching up religions.
Ry: Is Jesus a real person?
Mom: Yes, he was a real person.
Ry: When was he born?
Mom: About two thousand and ten years ago.
Ry: How did he die? Can I see a picture of how he died?
Mom: Triple sigh. Can we talk about this when we get home?
I finally pulled into school and thought I was safe. For some reason he moved from Creation to Science and laid another doozy on me.
Ry: Why isn't Pluto a planet anymore?
Mom: [Finally pumped that I have an answer] Because they said it was too small to count as a planet
Ry: So what is it now?
Mom: [Sigh of defeat]: I just don't know.
Ry: I think it's a black hole.
He is SO messing with me.
Pluto jumped onto another planet's axis and became part of that planet's orbit, that's why it is no longer considered a planet.
Don't ask me more, I don't know. This all came via my kid who is in the know.
Great - the only answer I thought I knew and it turns out I was wrong!!
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