Ry got a beta fish for his 3rd birthday, which he named Football. We were just about to celebrate his second anniversary of surviving life in the Kerper house when tragedy struck. Football died.
The unfortunate part about this was (a) Ry was the one who discovered his untimely demise and (b) He happened to be eating fishsticks at the time. Thankfully he didn't pick up on the cruel irony of the fishstick part.
Ryan has a heart of gold and a brain that understands way too much. This is a dangerous combo, and to say he was upset is a huge understatement. We told him that Football went to heaven to be with GG (his great-grandmom) and Lady (our neighbor's dog). As he sobbed in our arms he had a gazillion questions:
"Tell me all about heaven. Are there grown-ups there?"
"Does GG know Lady?"
"Who will give Football his food in heaven?"
"Will I ever have another fish that I love as much as Football???"
The only thing that calmed him down was telling him that you can eat candy in heaven whenever you want. He went to bed believing that Football is now swimming in a river of chocolate, and I'm even starting to buy into it myself.
This parenting stuff is hard. RIP little fishy.
Football was a tough fish and Ry is a sweet boy. His next pet will be very luck to have him. Love, Auntie Mel
sad owen came home and told us guest blogger
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