Friday, June 05, 2009

Gotta Work The Muscles

Despite the cold and dreary morning, Ry insisted on wearing a tank top today. He then asked if I could take his picture so he could show off his muscles.

Although he has little chicken arms and a farmer's tan, I'd have to say he still rocked it out. Fierce!

Second of all, story of the morning.

I had to run upstairs to get something from the boy's room. When I came back down, I found Ry crying and Cole laughing. Ry said "Cole was hitting me! I told him no thank you and that he was hurting my feelings!"

Oh boy, my sensitive little buttercup. Keep in mind that he had these big tears rolling down his cheeks while wearing the tank top with the chicken arms. It was just a funny image…despite the fact that Mr. Sensitive is 2 years older than The Brute.

Moral of story, I told Ry to be strong and stand up to Cole. Oh, what will the future hold for these two?!?!?

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