Sunday, June 28, 2009


After what seemed like months of planning, we pulled off the surprise of the year for Sue's 40th birthday party. Well...turns out she knew about it all along and we were stressing for nothing, but it ended up being a great night anyway.

About 5 days before the big day, we found out that the restaurant hosting the party closed. Doors shut forever! No party! Panic! Luckily, Dave re-booked at Molly Maguire's and it proved to be the perfect alternative.

Good friends...great weather...impromptu jam session on the deck. It was an awesome night and we wish Sue a wonderful year and many more good times to come.

Here are some pics of the big bad belly. 2 more weeks to go and the little guy keeps growing...and growing...and growing...

1 comment:

Jane said...

Becky you are very pretry