Friday, September 04, 2009

Karate: Yes. Dancing: No.

Ry had his first karate class last night. was so stinking cute. The teacher joked around with the kids but also set really clear rules - after class Ry declared that he was "silly but very serious." He was slightly dissapointed that they didn't do any Power Rangers moves, but I told him they had to build up to the flips and high kicks.

Thank goodness there was an empty racquetball court next door. Cole spent the entire half hour running in circles and screaming. Although this can be considered normal behavior for him, it was good to have him in a contained space.

After karate we went into town for Swingin' Summer Thursday. There were 2 scary clown sightings, but we still managed to have fun eating ice cream and listening to the bands. We were babysitting our niece and nephew, and I'd say we fared pretty well with five kids ages 4 and under.

Unfortunately it's been proven once again that Ry inherited Phil's rhythm. Although he's having fun, my man's just got no game.

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