Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The 4 Questions...Revisited

The aftermath of the seder is so much more intense than I originally anticipated.

Ry woke up this morning FILLED with questions. All before 7:30 am. This is literally how it all went down:

Ry: Can I see God in real life?
Mom: No, God isn't a person. He lives in our hearts.
Ry: So then how did he come to Moses at the burning bush?
Mom: Sigh.

About a minute later he hit me again.

Ry: Do boils happen in real life?
Mom: Like water boiling?
Ry: No, like boils from the Passover plagues. If God is mad at me will I get boils on my body?
Mom: Double sigh.

I finally got them in the car for school and he kept on going, this time switching up religions.

Ry: Is Jesus a real person?
Mom: Yes, he was a real person.
Ry: When was he born?
Mom: About two thousand and ten years ago.
Ry: How did he die? Can I see a picture of how he died?
Mom: Triple sigh. Can we talk about this when we get home?

I finally pulled into school and thought I was safe. For some reason he moved from Creation to Science and laid another doozy on me.

Ry: Why isn't Pluto a planet anymore?
Mom: [Finally pumped that I have an answer] Because they said it was too small to count as a planet
Ry: So what is it now?
Mom: [Sigh of defeat]: I just don't know.
Ry: I think it's a black hole.

He is SO messing with me.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Some Recent Ry-isms

What's the difference between cosmic energy and regular energy?

[Upon seeing his Play-Doh ruined because it was sitting out in the rain]: My body is feeling a lot of dissapointment when it looks at that Play-Doh.

Is there hail in other countries around the world, or just the United States?

Have your knees ever started knocking together, like when you were really scared? I think my legs are starting to shake.

Did you know that there are deserts in Algeria? Can we visit a desert sometime soon?

The best parts about my new classroom at school: Everyone gets 2 hamburgers at lunch, and the sheets on our cots are orange, not white. Orange!

Just a few Ry-isms to kickstart your brain. If anyone out there can help with the cosmic energy thing, I'm all ears.


Tonight we hosted our annual Passover seder. Talk about the joys of friendship - the kids were just hanging like this on their own so I grabbed the camera to capture the moment.

This was Cole's reaction when he found out they were going on an afikomen hunt (searching for the matzah hidden in the house.) He basically couldn't contain himself - here's to the little things in life.

I had the brilliant idea to print out pictures for all the kids so they could follow along with the seder. We made it into a game and they actually stayed engaged through most of the service.

The easy pictures to find on the web: Moses in a basket, matzah, candles, burning bush. The not-so-easy ones included most of the plagues. I don't suggest that you Google image search boils, lice, or locusts anytime soon.

On a happier note, I finally found a Passover kugel recipe that was not only edible, but delish. For those of you with leftover matzah, please to enjoy.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sunshine and Birthday Cake

Saturday morning kicked off with a walk into town. It was so bright out that we stopped at the store to buy me sunglasses - Mr. Drama declared that he "couldn't go on with the sun in his eyes" so I was forced to give up said glasses.

The Growers Market is finally open so we stopped by to check out the bounty. We saw some friends at the flower cart - they showed Ry this week's harvest and he begged us to buy him some. We walked home the proud owners of a pussywillow flower bouquet [insert shameless Phil joke here]. Hopefully the daffodils will be in bloom by next week.

We made our way to the courthouse to eat soft pretzels and soak up the rays.

Later that day we had Ry's birthday party at United Sports. They started off in the bounce houses and then to the courts for some intense soccer action.

Before the big game (and I use that term loosely), they lined the kids up to divide them into teams. 15 kids sitting quietly in a straight line...the people running this place are welcome to babysit anytime.

Happy Birthday Ryan! Love you kiddo.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Go With B

I'll give you two guesses as to what Phil was saying on the other end of the camera as this picture was being snapped:

a. I'm impressed with your quiet grace and keen listening skills.
b. Cole, don't throw the sand.

Springing Into Action

Imagine coming home on a dark, freezing cold night in the dead of winter. You run into the house with 3 rowdy boys who are totally energized from being at school all day.

Next, picture being trapped inside that house with all 3 boys and bedtime is nowhere in sight. They proceed to entertain themselves by pulling every single toy in the house onto the floor, perfecting their wrestling moves, and using the couches as trampolines.

Now multiply that magical evening by approximately 120 and you've got my winter.

The moral of this story - Spring is here and I couldn't be happier. These kids aren't allowed back in the house until October (at the earliest).

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Children Speak The Truth

Our random breakfast convo this morning:

Ry: Boys can only play with boy things and girls can only play with girl things.
Mom: What's an example of a "boy" thing?
Ry: Toilet paper and monster trucks.
Mom: What's an example of a "girl" thing?
Ry: Flowers and hairspray.


Wednesday, March 03, 2010

RIP Football

Ry got a beta fish for his 3rd birthday, which he named Football. We were just about to celebrate his second anniversary of surviving life in the Kerper house when tragedy struck. Football died.

The unfortunate part about this was (a) Ry was the one who discovered his untimely demise and (b) He happened to be eating fishsticks at the time. Thankfully he didn't pick up on the cruel irony of the fishstick part.

Ryan has a heart of gold and a brain that understands way too much. This is a dangerous combo, and to say he was upset is a huge understatement. We told him that Football went to heaven to be with GG (his great-grandmom) and Lady (our neighbor's dog). As he sobbed in our arms he had a gazillion questions:

"Tell me all about heaven. Are there grown-ups there?"
"Does GG know Lady?"
"Who will give Football his food in heaven?"
"Will I ever have another fish that I love as much as Football???"

The only thing that calmed him down was telling him that you can eat candy in heaven whenever you want. He went to bed believing that Football is now swimming in a river of chocolate, and I'm even starting to buy into it myself.

This parenting stuff is hard. RIP little fishy.