Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Things I've Learned This Week

1. When pulling a tick off of a 2 year old, it's best to remain calm when you tug with the tweezers and get the body but leave the head inside the 2 year old (ugh)

2. Getting a shot in your bum as a grown-up is surprisingly painful. Having an impressionable young nursing student assigned to putting on the band-aid does not help in the humiliation department

3. When driving home from getting a shot in your bum, it is dangerous to freak out when you see a spider crawling on the ceiling of the car (I am SO not exaggerating when I tell you it had fangs)

4. If you're into traditional medicine, do not see a chiropractor. If you're into not feeling like there is a pile of bricks sitting on your back, proceed to said chiropractor

5. It cannot be a bad thing when the first step in the directions for the cake you're baking tells you to melt 10 Milky Way bars with 2 sticks of butter. Yumtastic, happy almost birthday Coley!!!

1 comment:

liz said...

I'm SOOO excited for cake!!!!!!!